Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fun with Photography

So, here I am, a few days before Christmas, playing with my camera.  I was wanting to get some cool pics of my tree.  So, I was playing around with the settings, and I figured out how to do this cool trick.

It all started with this- I was in Shutter Priority Mode, and held a long shutter speed.  It made my lights look like they were glowing :)

Then, Wade ran by me and my camera moved...  WHOA! :)
So, I thought, this could be cool- so I found a small flashlight my mom gave to Wade (it happened to be green...) and told Ben to take my picture.  You have to keep the camera pretty still...  and vioala... BEN!  He couldn't believe what he saw on my camera- haha :)
Continued to play...

The longer your shutter is open, the more you can write...
Now, go play with your camera and you'll agree with me that it's SOOOO fun!! :)  and just plain neat :)

1 comment:

  1. So cool! :) Speaking of photography, we still need to have Photoshop session!!
