Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese

A recent e-mail from a friend of mine:

"Hey Staci- Alaina came home today from the sitters talking about how she wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese.  Wade was telling her all about the fun he had when he went.  Let us know the next time you go."

He made up this elaborate tale of how fun the games were, how good the food is, how awesome the mazes are... the whole 9 yards!  wow.

Well, here I'll add a sidebar-

Wade gets scared at night and doesn't sleep in his own bed.  I wake up around 11pm to a foot in my face or an elbow in my side.  One thought to this is- he won't be little for long, so I should cherish my snuggles with him.  And I do, there is nothing better than waking up and taking a few moments to snuggle before you have to get up for the morning- but, I really want him to start staying in his bed all night.

So, we are bribing him (no, I am not above the occasional bribe...) to sleep in his bed all night with a trip to visit the all mighty Mr. Cheese.  He has to sleep 5 nights in a row in his bed, and we'll take a trip to Chuck's.  The most he has made it was 2 nights.

Wade has also set up a lemonade stand at our garage sale to earn quarters for the games... but alas, the quarters have gone into his pig and won't come out until he reaches the 5th night!

We are going tonight to get the boys bunk beds... I'm hoping that might help????

I'll keep you posted...

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